Gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
Once you hear the details of victory, it is hard to distinguish it from a defeat.
-Jean-Paul Sartre, writer and philosopher (1905-1980)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do,
something to love, and something to hope for.
-Joseph Addison, writer (1672-1719)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can accept defeat or look straight into its eyes, until it blinks and walks away...
Smiling is infectious; you can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me today, and I started smiling too.
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.
-Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (1564-1642)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.
-Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist and writer (1825-1995)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------When we take the time to discover the strings, we feel less like a puppet.
- Robert Blondin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is an ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.
Black is a very important color.
It symbolizes achievement, knowledge and its the color of supposed Graduation robe also.
- From the Movie ‘BLACK’
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The world should remember that I was born.
- From my friend Shaan’s Blog
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proteus: Marina, Follow your heart. Mine is here in Syracuse. Yours! Yours is sailing with the next tide.
- Movie Sindbad the Sailor of Seven Seas
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The beauty hidden in poetry
The mystery spun in a story
The sensation embedded in a fiction
The riddle closeted in an article
- Well described :)
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely
in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,
chocolate in one hand, Diet Coke in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally
worn out and screaming "Woo-frickin'-hoo!! What a ride!"
- Unknown
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.
- Emo Phillips, comedian, actor (1956- )
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