Ambition can be made of anything. - HSBC Ad
You don't own a patke bag. You take care of it for the next generation. - patke bag Ad
The Joy of being somewhere else on holiday is wonderful, but getting there is not so much fun. - Marc Newson, designer
We would know when we were old because we'd tell a story more than once. Relating a story more than once would reveal that not only were our life experiences ever diminishing, but also how bourgeois and middle-class we had become.
[At parties] Dinner is more challenging because you are sitting with people for a protracted length of time. This requires telling them more than one story apiece.
- Melinda Stevens, editor, conde nast traveller
Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.
- Daniel J Boorstin
Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.
- John F. Kennedy
Where Liberty is, there is my country.
- Benjamin Franklin
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