oh god i feel lucky

whenever you meet good people, you feel the presence of some power helping you being lucky.

whenever you meet not-so-good people, you feel the presence of some power testing your strength in unlucky times.

- me

The curious case of a Bicycle

Bicycle is a curious vehicle, its passenger is its engine.
- John Howard

Perfection, Fear and Story of life

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.

Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.

I think this is when most people give up on their stories. They come out of college wanting to change the world, wanting to get married, wanting to have kids and change the way people buy office supplies. But they get into the middle and discover it was harder than they thought. They can't see the distant shore anymore, and they wonder if their paddling is moving them forward. None of the trees behind them are getting smaller and none of the trees ahead are getting bigger.  

Follow Passion, Delay Judgement

Have a passion for Doing something rather than Being a title on a business card.
- Steve Blank  (Facebooked by Ankit Jain)

Delay your judgements as long as possible.
- a wise friend from NCST (Facebooked by Apoorv Sharma)